Wednesday, March 21, 2007 Goes Gold

If you are in the wireless space, and particularly in the wireless development space, than you'll have an interest in dotMobi's latest post: Goes Gold.

Great info about the new developer guide announcement (Mobile Web Developer's Guide) and how they're moving out of beta and in to 'gold' status. Translation: this version of the tool is complete and they've nailed down all the bugs so that it's hittin' on all cylinders with regard to stability and performance.

Here's a short version of what (picture in the top left of this window) is used for:

The .mobi extension is about ensuring that the user is going to have a satisfactory experience when accessing a site w/ a mobile handset. simulates a real mobile device accessing the content of a .mobi site so that you can easily test the content and ensure it meets a range of basic criteria (.mobi compliance, adherence to W3C best practices, etc...). even provides a 'mobi-readiness' score so you'll know exactly where your site stands.

Check out Jim's complete article @ dotMobi HERE.

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